Olympic Peninsula mushrooms by family: Bankeraceae, Bolbitaceae, Boletaceae, Cantharellaceae
Alphabetical by family
Hydenllum aurantiacum (Orange spine)
Hydnellum complicatum - Heart O' The Hills CG, ONP
Hydnellum suaveolens (Fragrant hydnellum) - Second Beach Trail, ONP
Bolbitius titubans (Yellow fieldcap mushroom) - Pioneer Park, Sequim
Boletus edulis (King bolete) - Heart O' the Forest trail, ONP
Boletus mirabilis (Admirable bolete) - Mink Lake trail, ONP
Chalciporus piperatus (Peppery bolete) - Robin Hill park
Leccinium scabrum (Brown-birch bolete) - 9th avenue and Washington Street, Sequim
Xerocomellus chrysenteron (Red Cracking Bolete) - Robin Hill Park
Suillus ponderosus (Heavy bolete) - Sol Duc River, salmon overlook
Cantharellus formosus (Golden chanterelle) - Mink Lake, ONP
Tylopilus pseudoscaber (Dusky bolete) - Lyre Conservation Area, NOLT
Xerocomellus autropurpureus - Miller Peninsula State Park
Craterellus tubaeformis (Winter chanterelle)
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