Olympic Peninsula mushrooms - Lepiota - Xerocomellus
By genus, (most species), common name, location
Laetiporus conifericola (Sulphur shelf) - Hoh Rainforest
Lepiota sp. - Lyre CA, NOLT
Leccinum scabrum (Brown birch-bolete ) - 9th Ave Washington Street - Sequim
Leucoagaricus leucothites (White dapperling) - Robin Hill, Sequim
Mycena aurantiidisca - Heart O' The Hills Campground, ONP
Neolentinus adhaerens - Heart O' the Forest Trail
Onnia tomentosa (Woolly velvet polypore) - trail to Second Beach, ONP
Panellus longinquus - Miller Peninsula State Park
Paxillus involutus (Brown roll-rim) - 9th Ave, Sequim
Pithya vulgaris - Heart O' The Forest Trail
Pleurocybella porrigens (Angel-wing) - Mink Lake Trail, ONP
Pluteus cervinus (Deer mushroom) - Mink Lake trail, ONP
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum (Toothed jelly fungus) - Heart O' The Hills CG, ONP
Ramaria abietina (Green staining coral) - Heart O' The Forest trail, ONP
Ramaria araiospora var. araiospora (Red coral) - Heart O' The Forest Trail, ONP
Ramaria cyaneigranosa var. elongata (Pink pencils) - Mink Lake Trail, ONP
Ramaria formosa (Yellow-tipped coral) - Mink Lake trail, ONP
Russula americana (American russula) - Heart O' The Hills CG, ONP
Suillus ponderosus (Heavy bolete) - Robin Hill Park
Tricholoma saponaceum (Soapy tricholoma) - Mink Lake Trail, ONP
Tricholoma sp. - Switchback Trail, ONP
Russula aeruginea (Grass-green russula) - Mink Lake trail, ONP
Tricholoma sp. - Heart O' the Forest Trail
Russula brevipes (Short-stemmed russula) - Switchback trail, ONP
Tylopilus pseudoscaber (Dusky bolete) - Lyre Conservatoin Area
Russula sp. - Mink Lake trail, ONP
Xerocomellus autropurpureus - Miller Peninsula State Park
Stropharia sp. - Mink Lake trail, ONP
Xerocomellus chrysenteron (Red cracking bolete) - Robin Hill Park
Trichaptum abietinum (Purplepore bracket) - Lincoln Park, PA
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